
Ndaté Sylla, Problem Solving Lover

Passionate and dedicated in my field, I believe that achieving results is essential, with a special emphasis on the journey to reach them.

Ndaté Sylla : architecte de stratégies marketing et digitales

Ndaté Sylla est un spécialiste en marketing et communication, reconnu pour sa capacité à concevoir et exécuter des stratégies globales et innovantes. Diplômé en 2023 de CREA Genève en tant que Marketing et Digital Strategist, Ndaté allie une expertise créative et stratégique pour transformer les défis marketing en opportunités de croissance.

De 2018 à 2023, il a dirigé sylladesign en Suisse, une entreprise spécialisée dans l'image de marque, le développement web, et le marketing numérique. Durant cette période, il a collaboré avec des clients de renom comme Fleximmo SA, orchestrant un rebranding complet, incluant la refonte de sites web, la conception de campagnes publicitaires numériques, et la création de supports imprimés.

Parmi les projets marquants de sa carrière, Ndaté a travaillé en 2001 sur la création de l'identité visuelle, des affiches et flyers de l'association La Marche Blanche Suisse à sa création. Ce travail, réalisé en tant que freelance en Suisse, a contribué à une cause importante qui a mené à l'adoption d'une loi fédérale protégeant les enfants contre la pédocriminalité. Il a également eu l'opportunité de travailler sur le design visuel du bateau de course Alinghi, apportant sa touche créative à ce projet prestigieux.

De 2015 à 2018, Ndaté a collaboré avec la Ville de Kingston au Canada, participant à des campagnes intégrant les réseaux sociaux, le marketing visuel et la publicité en ligne. Il a également organisé des événements culturels majeurs, tels qu'un festival d'art et de culture à Kingston, Ontario.

En parallèle, il a coordonné des événements culturels en Suisse, notamment une soirée de concerts, conférences, et expositions de photos et de peintures à Lausanne. Ces expériences démontrent son aptitude à gérer des projets de grande envergure dans des environnements multiculturels.

Entre 2006 et 2009, Ndaté a travaillé à Genève pour Health On the Net Foundation en tant que graphiste et web designer, où il a été responsable de la communication visuelle. Cette expérience lui a permis de développer des stratégies visuelles pour renforcer la présence en ligne de la fondation.

La carrière de Ndaté en Suisse a débuté chez TRIO, la doyenne des agences de communication, où il a rapidement démontré son talent. Avant cela, sa carrière avait réellement débuté à Dakar, juste après l'obtention de son diplôme en communication visuelle aux Beaux-Arts, où il était majoritaire de son département. Il a alors travaillé au **bureau panafricain de communication** et ensuite chez Graphi Plus, une imprimerie où il a affiné ses compétences en communication visuelle.

De 2011 à 2015, il a fondé et dirigé sylladesign Sàrl, un atelier de création multimédia et de développement web, avec des activités entre le Sénégal, la France, et le Canada. Pendant cette période, il a collaboré sur des projets d’envergure internationale, renforçant ainsi sa capacité à naviguer dans divers contextes.

Ndaté Sylla excelle dans l’optimisation des performances marketing grâce à des stratégies digitales intégrées et une approche axée sur les résultats. Maîtrisant parfaitement le français et l’anglais, il est ouvert à de nouvelles opportunités où il pourra continuer à innover et contribuer à la transformation numérique et événementielle.

Let’s connect on social media to exchange ideas, grow, and build an inspiring future together! 🌐💬🚀

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I love to engage and learn from you.

Looking forward to it!

I enjoy solving problems.  


With the digital revolution, a real tsunami is hitting our society. In all fields (economic, social, political, etc.), “digitization” is present and brings about a paradigm shift. 


Paradigm shift

There was a time when the client requested a service, and the project was executed and simply delivered on time, according to the contract, in the best-case scenario. That world belongs to the past. With digitization, the client is at the center of processes. When it comes to finding innovative solutions focused on human beings, I turn to design thinking, mind mapping, and various project management processes, whether using Agile methods or those of the PMI (Project Management Institute).

Finding the solution

Bringing creativity, skills, different communication platforms and tools (websites, social media, digital marketing, posters, or flyers…), as well as “data,” together is the right way to find the solution to a communication or marketing problem.

The challenge remains ultimately the same. Like a chef, you have to search, analyze, and choose the right ingredients; set up the right tools, ensuring they work well; let it simmer, making sure the dish turns out well. And, of course, not forgetting to serve it well, ensuring final customer satisfaction over time.

Thinking bigger

Whether it’s marketing, branding, web design and development, or digital marketing, I have acquired sharp skills in these areas. As a Marketing and Digital Specialist, recently graduated from CREA OMNES School in Geneva, continuous learning is part of my DNA. In all business projects or contractual work, I treat my collaborators and clients like a chef!

Thank you for your attention and regards,

Digital project manager – Problem solver

🌐 Marketing and Digital Specialist

🔗 Certified Associate in Project Management

🖥️ Web Developer and Web Designer, focused on WordPress

🎨 Multimedia and Graphic Designer

📷 Photographer and Videographer

🎨 Visual Artist (Painter and Sculptor)

🥁 Djembé Percussionist

Politically, socially, and economically engaged.

Member of the Green Party in the Canton of Vaud

Father, husband, and citizen of a better world in construction.




Ndaté Sylla: Architect of Marketing and Digital Strategies

Ndaté Sylla is a marketing and communication specialist known for his ability to design and execute global and innovative strategies. Graduating in 2023 from CREA Geneva as a Marketing and Digital Strategist, Ndaté combines creative and strategic expertise to transform marketing challenges into growth opportunities.

From 2018 to 2023, he led sylladesign in Switzerland, a company specialising in branding, web development, and digital marketing. During this period, he worked with prominent clients like Fleximmo SA, orchestrating a complete rebranding, including website redesigns, digital advertising campaigns, and the creation of print materials.

Among the notable projects in his career, Ndaté worked in 2001 on the creation of the visual identity, posters, and flyers for the association La Marche Blanche Suisse at its inception. This work, done as a freelancer in Switzerland, contributed to an important cause that led to the adoption of a federal law protecting children from pedocriminality. He also had the opportunity to work on the visual design of the Alinghi racing yacht, adding his creative touch to this prestigious project.

From 2015 to 2018, Ndaté worked for the City of Kingston in Canada, participating in campaigns integrating social media, visual marketing, and online advertising. He also organised major cultural events, such as an art and culture festival in Kingston, Ontario.

In parallel, he coordinated cultural events in Switzerland, including an evening of concerts, conferences, and exhibitions of photos and paintings in Lausanne. These experiences showcase his ability to manage large-scale projects in multicultural environments.

Between 2006 and 2009, Ndaté worked in Geneva for Health On the Net Foundation as a graphic designer and web designer, where he was responsible for visual communication. This experience allowed him to develop visual strategies to enhance the foundation’s online presence.

Ndaté’s career in Switzerland began at TRIO, one of the oldest communication agencies, where he quickly demonstrated his talent. Prior to this, his career started in Dakar, shortly after graduating in visual communication from the Beaux-Arts, where he was the top student in his department. He then worked at the Pan-African Communication Office and later at Graphi Plus, a printing company where he honed his visual communication skills.

From 2011 to 2015, he founded and led sylladesign Sàrl, a multimedia creation and web development studio, with activities spanning Senegal, France, and Canada. During this time, he collaborated on international projects, further strengthening his ability to navigate various contexts.

Ndaté Sylla excels in optimising marketing performance through integrated digital strategies and a results-oriented approach. Fluent in both French and English, he is open to new opportunities where he can continue to innovate and contribute to digital and event transformation.


I am at your disposal to ensure customer satisfaction.