Wishing you to love what you do or do what you love.
I am absolutely sure it will make the world a better place.

Ndaté Sylla

As you know, the economy is not so great for many entrepreneurs and artists, since we are all struggling in different ways to overcome shutdowns due to the “C-thing” (mother nature is just playing her partition).
We all have to make the economy great again! Maybe not as it was before but better, stronger, more human-centered… more life-centered.
Please let’s do it together.

My Facebook post is in French but You will get the idea… Otherwise, have a look below, I translated it for you 🤗


Plus belle la vie… la carte aussi. Je vous remercie pour vos nombreux messages suite à la réception ou vision de la…

Posted by Ndaté Sylla on Monday, January 4, 2021


“When life is beautiful, the greeting card will be too

Thank you for your many messages following the reception or viewing of the Sylladesign greeting card. It is beautiful, yes. Thank you 🤗 for your compliments.

So, I’m going to reveal a little bit of the creation process for those who think that all of this falls from the sky, like a present from Santa Claus 🎅

For days, I tried to come up with a new idea, in order to avoid making the same design as in the past years… After the idea had matured, I stood in front of the blank sheet. A few drawings and sketches later, the card took shape with Adobe Illustrator an expensive vector application installed on a Macintosh computer that is not offered for free on Facebook or Instagram…”

Please try to learn French for the rest.